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Together we can create a Modern Day School Yard Experience for a new generation of young men from the Bronx.

Established in honor of Gary Gould and a reminder to think like he did, always having the best day of his life no matter what he was doing!


To contribute, click here. Then click on “Support Us” and just put “Gary Gould” or “Later Gator Award” in the comments section.  All donations are tax deductible.


About Later Gator Award (LGA)

Our Mission:

Create a partnership between Camp Tecumseh New Hampshire and Our Lady of Refuge Parish (OLR), in the Bronx, that will give a young man from the OLR community an opportunity to attend a full summer of camp to learn leadership skills, the value of teamwork, and create long-lasting friendships.

Later Gator Award – Established in honor of Gary Gould and the life he truly knew how to live every day, September 23, 1957 – July 7, 2021.


Gary had 3 loves: his family, the Bronx, and sports. He loved all three because of the camaraderie each can create. In memory of Gary, his family has established a partnership with Camp Tecumseh, in New Hampshire, and the OLR school community that will provide an opportunity for a young man from the Bronx to attend the camp for the summer.


The goal is for him to experience first-hand the value of teamwork and create lifelong friendships, think of it as the modern day “School Yard Experience.” If you would like to learn more about the camp or contribute to the Later Gator Award, click here.


Gary never said “Good bye,” it was always “Later Gator,” so until we can see each other at the Annual School Yard gathering on October 1st.

Later Gator,


The Gould Family​



Contact Us

For any inquiries, please contact Kerri Reynolds, or leave a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. 


We welcome memories you would like to share about Gary and his love for life or the School Yard and how it influenced your life.


Email :


Tel: 914 - 409 - 3024

Thanks for submitting!

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